मनीपुर पूर्वोत्तर भारत का एक राज्य है, जो इम्फाल शहर में अपनी राजधानी बनाता है। मणिपुर उत्तर में नागालैंड, दक्षिण में मिजोरम और पश्चिम में असम के भारतीय राज्यों से घिरा है; यह पूर्व में म्यांमार देश की सीमा भी है । 8,628 वर्ग मील (22,347 किमी 2) का क्षेत्रफल।
यहाँपढ़ें: पक्षियों के नाम
राज्य द्वारा कवर किया गया कुल क्षेत्रफल 22,327 किमी है। राजधानी नीले पहाड़ों से घिरे लगभग 700 वर्ग मील की अंडाकार आकार की घाटी में स्थित है और समुद्र तल से 790 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर है । घाटी का ढलान उत्तर से दक्षिण तक है । पर्वत श्रृंखलाओं की उपस्थिति न केवल उत्तर से ठंडी हवाओं को घाटी तक पहुंचने से रोकती है, बल्कि बंगाल की खाड़ी से उत्पन्न चक्रवाती तूफानों के लिए एक बाधा के रूप में भी कार्य करती है। मणिपुर प्राकृतिक सोंदर्य से सराबोर है तथा यहाँ कई पक्षी प्रजातियां पाई जाती हैं। (Birds name in Hindi)
Related Post:
250 + State Birds of Manipur in Hindi and English
Sr. No. | Common Name | Scientific name |
1 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus (3) |
2 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis (5) |
3 | Spot-billed Pelican | Pelecanus philippensis (21) |
4 | Indian Shag (Indian Cormorant) | Phalacrocorax fuscicollis (27) |
5 | Little Cormorant | Phalacrocorax niger (28) |
6 | Darter (Oriental Darter) | Anhinga melanogaster (29) |
7 | Intermediate Egret | Mesophoyx intermedia (47-8) |
8 | Eastern Cattle Egret (Cattle Egret) | Bubulcus ibis (44) |
9 | Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea (35-6) |
10 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea (37-7a) |
11 | Indian Pond-heron | Ardeola grayii (42-2a) |
12 | Malayan Night-heron | Gorsachius melanolophus (53-4) |
13 | Black-crowned Night-heron | Nycticorax nycticorax (52) |
14 | Striated Heron (Green-backed Heron) | Butorides striatus (38-41) |
15 | Black Bittern | Dupetor flavicollis (58) |
16 | Chestnut Bittern (Cinnamon Bittern) | Ixobrychus cinnamomeus (56) |
17 | Lesser Adjutant | Leptoptilos javanicus (68) |
18 | Greater White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons (79) |
19 | Lesser Whistling-duck | Dendrocygna javanica (88) |
20 | Comb Duck | Sarkidiornis melanotos (115) |
21 | White-winged Duck (White-winged Wood Duck | Cairina scutulata (116) |
22 | Common Teal | Anas crecca (94) |
23 | Pink-headed Duck | Rhodonessa caryophyllacea (106) |
24 | Common Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula (118) |
25 | Red Kite | Milvus milvus (131) |
26 | Black Kite | Milvus migrans migrans/govinda (132-4) |
27 | Black-eared Kite | Milvus migrans lineatus |
28 | Himalayan Buzzard | Buteo burmanicus |
29 | Oriental Honey-buzzard | Pernis ptilorhyncus (129-30) |
30 | Crested Serpent-eagle | Spilornis cheela (196-200) |
31 | Short-toed Eagle (Short-toed Snake-Eagle) | Circaetus gallicus (195) |
32 | Rufous-bellied Eagle | Hieraaetus kienerii (165) |
33 | Greater Spotted Eagle | Aquila clanga (170) |
34 | Pallid Harrier | Circus macrourus (190) |
35 | Pied Harrier | Circus melanoleucos (192) |
36 | Western Marsh Harrier (Eurasian Marsh Harrier) | Circus aeruginosus (193-4) |
37 | Eurasian Hobby (Northern Hobby) | Falco subbuteo (212-3) |
38 | Amur Falcon | Falco amurensis (220) |
39 | Red-headed Falcon | Falco chicquera (219) |
40 | Black Francolin | Francolinus francolinus (237-9) |
41 | Chinese Francolin | Francolinus pintadeanus (243) |
42 | Swamp Francolin | Francolinus gularis (247) |
43 | Japanese Quail | Coturnix japonica (251) |
44 | Painted Bush-quail | Perdicula erythrorhyncha (262-3) |
45 | Blue-breasted Quail | Coturnix chinensis (253-4) |
46 | Manipur Bush-quail | Perdicula manipurensis (264-5) |
47 | Blyth’s Tragopan | Tragopan blythii (287-8) |
48 | Mrs. Hume’s Pheasant | Syrmaticus humiae (308) |
49 | Green Peafowl | Pavo muticus (312) |
50 | Slaty-breasted Rail | Gallirallus striatus (329-30) |
51 | Eastern Water Rail | Rallus indicus |
52 | Ruddy-breasted Crake | Porzana fusca (339-40) |
53 | White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus (343-5) |
54 | Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus (347-7a) |
55 | Greater Painted-snipe | Rostratula benghalensis (429) |
56 | Bronze-winged Jacana | Metopidius indicus (359) |
57 | Great Thick-knee | Esacus recurvirostris (437) |
58 | Red-wattled Lapwing | Vanellus indicus (366-8) |
59 | Grey-headed Lapwing | Vanellus cinereus (365) |
60 | Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius (379-80) |
61 | Long-billed Plover | Charadrius placidus (383) |
62 | Eurasian Curlew | Numenius arquata (387-8) |
63 | Western Black-tailed Godwit (Black-tailed Godwit) | Limosa limosa (389-90) |
64 | Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia (396) |
65 | Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola (398) |
66 | Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus (397) |
67 | Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos (401) |
68 | Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis (395) |
69 | Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres (402) |
70 | Jack Snipe | Lymnocryptes minimus (410) |
71 | Common Snipe | Gallinago gallinago (409) |
72 | Solitary Snipe | Gallinago solitaria (404) |
73 | River Tern | Sterna aurantia (463) |
74 | Speckled Woodpigeon | Columba hodgsonii (520) |
75 | Spotted Dove | Streptopelia chinensis (537-40) |
76 | Eurasian Collared-dove | Streptopelia decaocto (534) |
77 | Rosy-headed Parakeet (Blossom-headed Parakeet) | Psittacula roseata (559-60) |
78 | Red-breasted Parakeet (Pink-breasted Parakeet) | Psittacula alexandri (551-2) |
79 | Square-tailed Drongo-cuckoo (Drongo-Cuckoo) | Surniculus lugubris (588-9) |
80 | Jacobin Cuckoo (Pied Cuckoo) | Clamator jacobinus (570-1) |
81 | Common Barn-owl | Tyto alba (606-7) |
82 | Eastern Grass-owl (Grass Owl) | Tyto capensis |
83 | Tawny Fish-owl | Ketupa flavipes (633) |
84 | Dusky Eagle-owl | Bubo coromandus (630) |
85 | Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus (664) |
86 | Brown Wood-owl | Strix leptogrammica (658-60) |
87 | Ruddy Kingfisher | Halcyon coromanda (733-4) |
88 | Lesser Pied Kingfisher | Ceryle rudis (719-20) |
89 | Common Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis (722-4) |
90 | Blue-tailed Bee-eater | Merops philippinus (748) |
91 | Yellow-rumped Honeyguide | Indicator xanthonotus (793-5) |
92 | Coppersmith Barbet | Megalaima haemacephala (792) |
93 | Lineated Barbet | Megalaima lineata (783-4) |
94 | Heart-spotted Woodpecker | Hemicircus canente (856) |
95 | Striped-breasted Pied Woodpecker (Stripe-breasted Woodpecker) | Dendrocopos atratus (844) |
96 | Rufous-bellied Woodpecker | Dendrocopos hyperythrus (832-3) |
97 | Great Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos major (834) |
98 | Common Sand-martin (Sand Martin) | Riparia riparia (911) |
99 | Asian House-martin | Delichon dasypus (931) |
100 | Red-rumped Swallow | Hirundo daurica (923-8) |
101 | Western Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla.flava leucocephala (1875-80) |
102 | Grey Wagtail | Motacilla. cinerea (1884) |
103 | Citrine Wagtail | Motacilla.citreola citreola (1881-3) |
104 | White Wagtail | Motacilla. alba dukhunensis (1885-90) |
105 | Olive-backed Pipit | Anthus hodgsoni hodgsoni (1852-3) |
106 | Red-throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus (1864) |
107 | Rosy Pipit | Anthus roseatus (1865) |
108 | Buff-bellied Pipit | Anthus rubescens (1872) |
109 | Richard’s Pipit | Anthus richardi (1857) |
110 | Paddyfield Pipit | Anthus rufulus (1858-60) |
111 | Blyth’s Pipit | Anthus godlewskii (1863) |
112 | Ashy Woodswallow | Artamus fuscus (982) |
113 | Small Minivet | Pericrocotus cinnamomeus (1090-5) |
114 | Olive Bulbul | Iole virescens (1141) |
115 | Black-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus atriceps (1112-3) |
116 | Blue-winged Leafbird (Jerdon’s Leafbird) | Chloropsis cochinchinensis (1107-8) |
117 | Grey-backed Shrike | Lanius tephronotus (944-5) |
118 | Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus cristatus (949-50a) |
119 | Burmese Shrike | Lanius collurioides (938) |
120 | Black-naped Blue Monarch (Black-naped Monarch) | Hypothymis azurea (1465-9) |
121 | Green Cochoa | Cochoa viridis (1691) |
122 | Grey-sided Thrush (Fea’s Thrush) | Turdus feae (1761) |
123 | Dusky Thrush | Turdus naumanni eunomus (1765) |
124 | Black-breasted Thrush | Turdus dissimilis (1747) |
125 | Indian Blackbird | Turdus simillimus nigropileus |
126 | White-collared Blackbird | Turdus albocinctus (1749) |
127 | Plain-backed Thrush | Zoothera mollissima (1738-9) |
128 | Long-tailed Thrush | Zoothera dixoni (1740) |
129 | Small-billed Scaly Thrush (Scaly Thrush) | Zoothera dauma (1741-4) |
130 | Siberian Thrush | Zoothera sibirica (1732-2a) |
131 | Siberian Blue Robin | Luscinia cyane (1653) |
132 | Indian Blue Robin | Luscinia brunnea (1650-1) |
133 | Golden Bush-robin | Tarsiger chrysaeus (1657-8) |
134 | Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica svecica (1644-6a) |
135 | Himalayan Rubythroat | Luscinia pectoralis (1647-9) |
136 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | Copsychus saularis (1661-4) |
137 | Daurian Redstart | Phoenicurus auroreus (1677) |
138 | Hodgson’s Redstart | Phoenicurus hodgsoni (1674) |
139 | Blue-fronted Redstart | Phoenicurus frontalis (1675) |
140 | Plumbeous Water-redstart (Plumbeous Redstart) | Rhyacornis fuliginosus (1679) |
141 | Hodgson's Blue Robin (Hodgson’s Redstart) | Hodgsonius phaenicuroides (1680) |
142 | Pied Bushchat | Saxicola caprata (1700-3) |
143 | Common Stonechat | Saxicola torquata (1695-8) |
144 | Ferruginous Flycatcher | Muscicapa ferruginea (1410) |
145 | Red-throated Flycatcher | Ficedula albicilla |
146 | Vivid Niltava | Niltava vivida oatesi (1433) |
147 | Brown-capped Laughingthrush | Garrulax austeni (1318) |
148 | Assam Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron chrysopterum |
149 | Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush | Garrulax rufogularis (1292-6) |
150 | White-browed Laughingthrush | Garrulax sannio (1306) |
151 | Striped Laughingthrush | Garrulax virgatus (1317) |
152 | Yellow-throated Laughingthrush | Garrulax galbanus (1286) |
153 | Grey-sided Laughingthrush | Garrulax caerulatus (1300-2) |
154 | Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | Garrulax monileger (1275-6) |
155 | Rufous-capped Babbler | Stachyris ruficeps (1210) |
156 | Slender-billed Babbler | Turdoides longirostris (1257) |
157 | Red-billed Mesia (Red-billed Leiothrix) | Leiothrix lutea (1335-7) |
158 | White-naped Yuhina | Yuhina bakeri (1366) |
159 | Stripe-throated Yuhina | Yuhina gularis (1371-2) |
160 | Gold-breasted Fulvetta | Alcippe chrysotis (1376-7) |
161 | White-browed Fulvetta | Alcippe vinipectus (1380-3) |
162 | Manipur Fulvetta (Streak-throated Fulvetta) | Alcippe cinereiceps |
163 | Rufous-throated Fulvetta | Alcippe rufogularis (1386-7) |
164 | Rusty-fronted Barwing | Actinodura egertoni (1348-51) |
165 | Streak-throated Barwing | Actinodura waldeni (1354-6) |
166 | Black-headed Shrike-babbler (Rufous-bellied Shrike-Babbler) | Pteruthius rufiventer (1340) |
167 | Scaly-breasted Wren-babbler | Pnoepyga albiventer (1197-8) |
168 | Spotted Wren-babbler | Spelaeornis formosus (1206) |
169 | Naga Wren-babbler (Austen’s Wren-Babbler) | Spelaeornis chocolatinus (1203-4) |
170 | Tawny-breasted Wren-babbler | Spelaeornis longicaudatus (1202) |
171 | Eyebrowed Wren-babbler | Napothera epilepidota (1195-6) |
172 | Long-billed Wren-babbler | Rimator malacoptilus (1193) |
173 | Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler | Sphenocichla roberti |
174 | Buff-breasted Babbler (Tickell’s Babbler) | Pellorneum tickelli (1166) |
175 | Black-throated Parrotbill | Paradoxornis nipalensis (1239a-44) |
176 | Grey-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis gularis (1249-50) |
177 | Spot-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis guttaticollis (1252) |
178 | Bright-capped Cisticola (Golden-capped Cisticola) | Cisticola exilis (1496-7) |
179 | Rufous-rumped Grassbird | Graminicola bengalensis (1534) |
180 | Striated Grassbird | Megalurus palustris (1548) |
181 | Manipur Aberrant Bush-warbler | Cettia flavolivacea weberi |
182 | Pale-footed Bush-warbler | Cettia pallidipes (1474-5) |
183 | Oriental Reed-warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis (1554) |
184 | Thick-billed Warbler | Acrocephalus aedon (1549) |
185 | Blunt-winged Reed-warbler | Acrocephalus concinens stevensi (1559-60) |
186 | Common Tailorbird | Orthotomus sutorius (1535-9) |
187 | Rufous-faced Warbler | Abroscopus albogularis (1626) |
188 | Yellow-bellied Warbler | Abroscopus superciliaris (1622-3) |
189 | Grey-hooded Warbler | Seicercus xanthoschistos (1617) |
190 | Grey-cheeked Warbler | Seicercus poliogenys (1620) |
191 | White-spectacled Warbler | Seicercus affinis (1613) |
192 | Whistler’s Warbler | Seicercus whistleri (1614) |
193 | Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus (1584-6) |
194 | Tickell’s Leaf-warbler | Phylloscopus affinis (1579) |
195 | Mandelli's Leaf-warbler | Phylloscopus humei mandellii |
196 | Orange-barred Leaf-warbler (Buff-barred Warbler) | Phylloscopus pulcher (1587-9) |
197 | Lemon-rumped Leaf-warbler | Phylloscopus chloronotus (1594-6) |
198 | Grey-faced Leaf-warbler (Ashy-throated Warbler) | Phylloscopus maculipennis (1597-9) |
199 | Yellow-vented Warbler | Phylloscopus cantator (1612) |
200 | Great Tit | Parus major (1790-7) |
201 | Green-backed Tit | Parus monticolus (1799) |
202 | Red-headed Tit (Chestnut-capped Tit) | Aegithalos concinnus (1818-20) |
203 | Rusty-flanked Treecreeper | Certhia nipalensis (1851) |
204 | Yellow-browed Tit | Sylviparus modestus (1813-4) |
205 | Chestnut-vented Nuthatch (Eurasian Nuthatch) | Sitta europaea |
206 | Beautiful Nuthatch | Sitta formosa (1837) |
207 | Purple Sunbird | Nectarinia asiatica (1916-8) |
208 | Chestnut-eared Bunting | Emberiza fucata (2055-5a) |
209 | Yellow-breasted Bunting | Emberiza aureola (2046) |
210 | Black-faced Bunting | Emberiza spodocephala (2047) |
211 | Chestnut Bunting | Emberiza rutila (2045) |
212 | Himalayan Greenfinch (Yellow-breasted Greenfinch) | Carduelis spinoides (1990,1992) |
213 | Common Rosefinch | Carpodacus erythrinus roseatus (2010-3) |
214 | Crimson-browed Finch | Propyrrhula subhimachala (2033) |
215 | Scarlet Finch | Haematospiza sipahi (2034) |
216 | Chestnut Munia | Lonchura atricapilla |
217 | White-rumped Munia | Lonchura striata (1967-70) |
218 | Scaly-breasted Munia | Lonchura punctulata (1974-5) |
219 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus (1938-9a) |
220 | Cinnamon Sparrow (Russet Sparrow) | Passer rutilans (1946-7) |
221 | Eastern Baya Weaver | Ploceus philippinus burmanicus |
222 | Black-breasted Weaver | Ploceus benghalensis (1961) |
223 | Black-hooded Oriole | Oriolus xanthornus (958-9) |
224 | Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocercus (962-4) |
225 | Ashy Drongo | Dicrurus leucophaeus (965-6b) |
226 | Bronzed Drongo | Dicrurus aeneus (971) |
227 | Crow-billed Drongo | Dicrurus annectans (970) |
228 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus paradiseus (976-81) |
229 | Hair-crested Drongo (Spangled Drongo) | Dicrurus hottentottus (973) |
230 | Spot-winged Starling | Saroglossa spiloptera (984) |
231 | Grey-headed Starling (Chestnut-tailed Starling) | Sturnus malabaricus (987-9) |
232 | White-shouldered Starling | Sturnus sinensis (1005) |
233 | Asian Pied Starling | Sturnus contra (1002-4) |
234 | Gold-crested Myna | Ampeliceps coronatus (1014) |
235 | Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis (1006-7) |
236 | Jungle Myna | Acridotheres fuscus (1009-11) |
237 | White-vented Myna (Great Myna) | Acridotheres grandis (1012) |
238 | Collared Myna | Acridotheres albocinctus (1013) |
239 | Common Hill-myna | Gracula religiosa (1015,1017-8) |
240 | House Crow | Corvus splendens (1048-51) |
241 | Eastern Jungle Crow | Corvus macrorhynchos levaillantii |
242 | Eurasian Jay | Garrulus glandarius (1020-1) |
243 | Red-billed Blue Magpie | Urocissa erythrorhyncha (1027-8) |
244 | Grey Treepie | Dendrocitta formosae (1037-9) |
245 | Gadwall | Anas strepera (101) |
246 | Eurasian Wigeon | Anas penelope (103) |
247 | Northern Shoveller | Anas clypeata (105) |
248 | Northern Pintail | Anas acuta (93) |
249 | Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos (100) |
250 | Ferruginous Duck (Ferruginous Pochard) | Aythya nyroca (109) |
251 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina (108) |
252 | Red-crested Pochard | Rhodonessa rufina (107) |
253 | Cotton Teal (Cotton Pygmy-goose) | Nettapus coromandelianus |
254 | Eastern Marsh Harrier | Circus spilonotus |
255 | Pied Falconet | Microhierax melanoleucos (205) |
256 | Common Quail (Grey Quail) | Coturnix coturnix (250) |
257 | Rain Quail | Coturnix coromandelica (252) |
258 | Hooded Crane | Grus monacha (322) |
259 | Wood Snipe | Gallinago nemoricola (405) |
260 | Indian Eagle-owl | Bubo bengalensis |
261 | Indian Little Nightjar (Indian Nightjar) | Caprimulgus asiaticus (680-1) |
262 | Chestnut-headed Bee-eater | Merops leschenaulti (744-5) |
263 | Blue Pitta | Pitta cyanea (871) |
264 | Singing Bushlark | Mirafra cantillans (872) |
265 | Oriental Skylark (Eastern Skylark) | Alauda gulgula (904-9) |
266 | Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis ruficeps (1247-8) |
267 | Black-browed Reed-warbler | Acrocephalus bistrigiceps (1555) |
268 | Pale-billed Flowerpecker (Tickell’s Flowerpecker) | Dicaeum erythrorynchos (1899-1900) |
269 | Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird | Aethopyga gouldiae (1919-21) |
The numbers in brackets indicate the synospsis number (HB number) as quoted in “The Compact Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan” (Second Edition) by Salim Ali & S.D. Ripley
यहाँ पढ़ें : 450 + State Birds of Karnataka in Hindi and English
यहाँ पढ़ें : 400 + State Birds of Kerala in Hindi and English
मणिपुर राज्य के भीतर, दो प्रमुख नदी बेसिन हैं, अर्थात । बराक नदी बेसिन (बराक घाटी) और मणिपुर नदी बेसिन। दोनों घाटियों के कुल जल संसाधन वार्षिक उपज के रूप में 18.487 घन किलोमीटर होने का अनुमान लगाया गया है । बराक नदी, सबसे बड़ी नदी, मणिपुर के स्रोत से उत्तरी पहाड़ियों और शामिल हो गए है की एक संख्या के द्वारा सहायक नदियों में इस तरह के रूप में Irang, Maku, Tuivai, आदि. और उसके बाद असम के काचर जिले में प्रवेश करती है।
January 2021, State Birds of Manipur, wikipedia