About Us

Hindi swaraj is a collective of all the popular topics, especially catering to a wide range of topics from technology to yoga in Hindi.


The motive behind this blog is to make information over technology and other niche-specific topics available in Hindi. All the updated information over these trending topics are only available in English first-hand. Hindi Swaraj strives to keep readers of Hindi Swaraj updated of all the latest information so that they don’t miss out on any important information because of the language.

Who We Are?

We are a group of professional writers from distinctive fields who work towards providing up-to-date information in our blog. The team also comprises a group of industrial that give their valuable inputs in the blog.

Why Hindi Swaraj?

Hindi Swaraj strives to provide only authentic and up-to-date information for the users. We also get the technical and niche-specific articles reviewed by the industrial experts from the respective field to make sure that all the information provided is accurate and relatable.


Founder and Editor

Founder HindiSwaraj